In the captivating world of "Anima," where humans possess the blood of animals, Joyce, a struggling university student, finds herself thrust into a perilous battle for survival. Defying all expectations, she spares her opponent's life, catching the attention of Sung, the fierce and commanding ruler of the beasts. With enemies lurking around every corner, Joyce must prove her strength werewolf books not romance and leadership to protect her newfound love and herself. However, the vengeful wolf tribe will stop at nothing to overthrow Joyce and seize power for themselves.
In the face of mounting danger, will the love between Joyce and Sung be enough to conquer the insidious wolf tribe? "Anima" is an exhilarating shapeshifter novel that delves into themes of passion, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of power. Brace yourself for a heart-pounding ride of romance and danger in this captivating tale, perfect for fans of shapeshifter romances.